Movement Prep
As part of our Strength Training Programming, these movement sequences are utilized fro warm-up & activation to begin every strength session.
Core Sets
As part of our Strength Training Programming, Core Sets are the part of our strength sessions. Each Core Set contains three movements, each targeting the anterior, posterior and oblique muscles of the ‘core’.
Core-to-Extremity Movements
As part of our Strength Training programming, our Core-to-Extremity movements are more complex ‘core’ movements combining the ‘push’ & ‘pull’ coordination of the extremities; connecting the limbs to the core for stronger movement.
Push & Pull Sets
As part of Strength Training programming, we continue to warm-up and train our upper-body via opposing ‘push & pull’ movements in three different planes: Vertical (high), Vertical (low), and Horizontal.
Strength Movements
Developing strength through knee & hip extension is the focal point of our Strength Training programming. The squat and deadlift are our two primary movements for developing strength.
Stability Movements
As part of our Strength Training programming, we target unilateral stability movements to further develop the posterior-chain along with balance & coordination via these movements.
Power Movements
Transferring strength to power requires adding speed to the movement. Through quick, explosive movements we can train power in the gym to improve our muscle recruitment with these movements.
Mobility Sequences
As part of our Strength Training programming, we include mobility at the end of sessions.
Cycling Intervals
Our most utilized cycling drills & intervals within our training programs.